Will you be a new college student in Columbia? 
Would you like to learn about ways to get involved and grow in your faith?    Click here and send us your info!




Welcome to the St. Thomas More Parish and Newman Center web site!  I hope that you find it inviting and user friendly.  We are a vibrant Roman Catholic community of the Diocese of Jefferson City under the spiritual guidance of the Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great.  Our web pages are meant to educate you, the user, to the many and varied programs of the parish.  Campus Ministry is our primary focus serving the students, faculty and staff of the University of Missouri, Columbia College and Stephens College.  However, as a university parish, we also seek to meet the sacramental needs of almost 800 families.  If you have any questions, need more information or would just like to share your comments and ideas, please call me at 573-449-5424 or email us at: kate.harry@newmancentercolumbia.com.


In St. Dominic and St. Thomas More,



Fr. Thomas Saucier, O.P., Pastor




Mon,Wed, Fri - 12 noon

Tues, Thurs - 5:00 PM

Saturday - 5:00 PM

Sunday - 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:30 PM,

(and 9:00 PM when MU is in fall/winter session)




Tues, Saturday - 4 to 4:30 PM

or by appointment


St. Thomas More

Newman Center
701 Maryland Avenue
Columbia, MO 65201
Phone: (573) 449-5424
Fax: (573) 874-2777