Born in Southeast (swamp-east) Missouri in 1949, I developed a love for the outdoors that endures to this day. "Ozark Sketches" are snapshots of memories I have gathered along the way. In the "good ole days", I could often be found with my father and brothers baiting catfish trotlines, soaking crickets for bluegills, dangling crappie jigs around cypress trees, or trying to land a big carp on one of mother’s dough-ball concoctions. Occasionally, we even caught fish! When the fishin’ was slow, I would hunt rabbits, squirrels or quail. The streams and woodlands of Missouri were constantly calling my name. With college degree in hand, I struck out to make my mark on the world. The last 30+ years have included stints as a fisheries biologist, manager of an environmental research laboratory, and business director for an international consulting firm. My career has taken me throughout the country and other parts of the planet. I have walked the crowded streets of Chicago and London, choked on foul city air, and observed humanity trying to scratch out a living in such places. I remain convinced that there is no finer place to experience than the smaller places and slower paces of the Missouri-Arkansas Ozarks. There truly is no place like home. Wife Brenda and daughter Holly (who created this website) have tolerated my wanderings. They have chased the American dream with me and waited for me to come to my senses. A loving family, fishing rod, and sketchbook longed for my return home. Life has a way of bringing you full circle – to restore what was lost - if you allow it. Along the way, I met another fisherman who changed my life. His name is Jesus Christ. I was introduced to the Savior when I was a child and came to know Him as Lord of my life. He has been my provider, protector, and physician. He is a constant companion and friend – someone to talk to on quiet streams and turbulent waters. At times, my journey through this world has been weary and dark, but Jesus provided strength to my legs and a light for my path. I hope you know Him too, for without Him you will never truly find peace … in the Ozarks or anywhere else. Would you like to know how you can have a relationship with Jesus Christ? To have peace with God? See One More Cast ... Max