This Week at CCS
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Scrip Program
Class Pages
       Mrs. Coulson
     Mrs. Ernst
     Mrs. Gunn
     Mrs. Johnson
     Mrs. Lawler
     Miss Schwartze
     Mrs. Spicci
     Mrs. Sun
     Mrs. Twenter
     Mrs. Wikle
     Miss Wood
School Year Calendar
Activities Calendar
     Art Club
     Chamber Chorus
     Cross Country
          CC Permission Slip
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     Track & Field
      Young Authors Club (YAC)
Links for Staff Use
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     Tech. User Agreement
School Handbook
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School Board News
Safe Environment Program
Fr. Tolton Catholic Regional High School
Parish Websites
     Our Lady of Lourdes
     Sacred Heart
     St. Thomas More Newman Center
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About Columbia Catholic School


Student Body: Columbia Catholic School provides education for children in kindergarten through Grade 8. The student-teacher ratio in Grades K and 1 is 18-1. In Grades 2-8, the student-teacher ratio is 24-1.

Faculty: The CCS faculty consists of degreed, certified teachers committed to academic excellence in the Catholic tradition. Full-time faculty members have been hired specifically to teach physical education, art, music, and computers. Two counselors are available for individual and classroom guidance, and a librarian oversees the CCS library.

Religious: Every week, the priests of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish celebrate Mass with CCS students and visit classrooms.


The academic program at Columbia Catholic School is strong and the curriculum is comprehensive.

Core Subjects: Religion, Literature and English, Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies

Foreign Language:
Spanish (Grades 7 and 8 only)

Special Classes:
Physical Education, Music, Art, Computers

Religious Education:
Religious formation permeates the CCS learning experience through daily religion class, prayer services, and weekly liturgies. Individual classes are responsible for planning the weekly Mass. Children are prepared for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in Grade 2.


Partners-In-Education: Columbia Catholic School has an active Partners-in-Education program that benefits both the school and the Columbia community.

Child Care: An After School Child Care Program provides dependable, daily supervision for CCS students.

Lunch Program: The CCS cafeteria provides nutritious and appealing lunches.

School Support and Oversight: Columbia Catholic School has an active school board and Home and School Association, both of which provide important guidance and support to the school administration, faculty and students.

Student Services

CCS participates in the federally-funded Title 1 and Title V programs.

Students with diagnosed learning, speech, or language disabilities are provided services through the Special Education Department of the Columbia Public Schools.

Supervised student nurses from the University of Missouri's Sinclair School of Nursing provide health screenings.

Qualilfying students in Grades 3-5 can participate in the gifted program of the Columbia Public Schools.


Columbia Catholic students have an opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, each of which offers students a unique learning experience:

  • Band
  • Chamber Chorus
  • Diocesan Science Fair
  • Diocesan Sketch Day
  • Sacred Heart Spelling Bee
  • State Math Contests
  • National Geography Bee and History Day
  • Basketball
  • Cheerleading
  • Track and Field

"Catholic schools, which realize the threefold purpose of Christian education--to teach doctrine, to build community, and to serve--are the most effective means available to the Church for the education of children and young people. The integration of religious truth and values with the rest of life, which is possible in these schools, distinguishes them from others." (A statement of the Catholic Bishops)

Contact us for more information.