Q: What is Scrip?
A: SCRIP is a gift certificate or card, exactly like those issued
by participating businesses, both local and national. You just purchase
the gift certificates from our school and use them instead of cash
where you already shop or eat. Our school is able to purchase these
gift certificates at a discount, which is noted on the order form
as Profit. That profit provides another source of income for CCS.
Q: Who should participate?
Everyone should participate to some extent. We all buy groceries,
gas and clothes. Many eat out frequently. Using SCRIP is just a
matter of anticipating where you will spend money during the next
week and then purchasing SCRIP in advance to use instead of cash
or credit.
Q: What does it cost?
IT COSTS YOU NOTHING EXTRA! If you purchase $50.00 in SCRIP, for
instance, you receive $50.00 in gift certificates at the businesses
of your choice. Every time you use SCRIP you are helping the school,
because the school pays a discounted price.
Q: How can I order?
You can place your order online or you can fill out the SCRIP order
form and turn it in with your payment to the Scrip Coordinators.
You can place your orders weekly or monthly.
Q: What can I order?
You can order from a variety of national and local retailers. A SCRIP
order form will have all of the businesses listed along with the
profit that the vendors are giving back to CCS. If there is a retailer
that is not on the CCS order form, but is on the national list,
please feel free to write the retailer in on the blank lines on
the back of the order form.
Q: How does it work? How will CCS generate revenue?
The profits come from the discounts given by merchants. You spend
no more because you get gift cards/certificates equal to the amount
you paid, which in turn can be redeemed at the stores where you
already shop.
If you have any additional questions, please contact
Laura Sasser at or 445-7997 OR
Jen Haggas at or 673.1669
May 2009